Despite the typically bad weather over the recent back holiday, large numbers of drivers seemed to be eating their picnics at the side of the motorway. This wasn’t through choice, but because their car had broken down.

Check before you drive

Despite the typically bad weather over the recent back holiday, large numbers of drivers seemed to be eating their picnics at the side of the motorway. This wasn’t through choice, but because their car had broken down.

With three days off work, many people escaped from the hectic pace of city life. But despite the car being key to the weekend enjoyment, it seems it was often given little more than a top up of fuel before setting off.

I spend a large amount of time on motorways, both for work and leisure reasons, so it is essential the car I’m driving is prepared for the journey.

The traffic was surprisingly light for a public holiday, but those who were on the roads were having more than their fair share of trouble.

On the M3 between the junctions of the M27 and M25, I saw numerous cars scattered along the hard shoulder.

Admittedly, one was on its roof (all occupants appeared to be fine), but all the others were sitting with their bonnets up. None were old bangers, but all had failed to cope with what must have been a rare journey.

The only possible explanation was that the driver had set off without checking their car was prepared for more than a trip to the local Tesco. As a result, multiple bank holiday weekends were ruined.

It really did drive home the importance of assessing the roadworthiness of your vehicle. Five minutes checking and topping up basic fluids such as oil, screenwash and water is all it takes.

This alone could see you enjoying your sandwiches in the intended rural idyll rather than on the hard shoulder.