Historically I’ve been a massive admirer of HGV driver’s skills, this one incident has put me firmly in the camp that sees them as aggressive bully-boys with no respect for fellow road users. Below I’ve pasted an email I sent to transport firm Butlers of Kent nearly two months ago. They didn’t feel it was worthy of a response.


I was unfortunate enough to follow two of your vehicles along the M26 on Friday night. I say unfortunate because they decided to sit side by side for the entire length of the M26, one occasionally pulling a little in front of the other and then dropping back alongside. This took place from pretty much the sliproad from the M20, and they were still side by side when they got to the M25 which, as I’m sure you can imagine, caused delays to a large number of cars as that piece of road is only 2 lanes.

Before I write the piece on how maybe the current trials of keeping HGVs to the inside lane should be extended if drivers want to exhibit this kind of selfish behaviour, I thought I should offer you a right to respond. I await your reply


Paul Barker

BusinessCar magazine

It’s a shame that the selfish and stupid actions of a couple of individuals can taint a view of an entire section of the driving public, but if someone were to suggest that all lorries were banned from overtaking on the M26 from now on, I’d be firmly behind the idea. Before that Friday night in July I’d have been against it, and patiently waited my turn while one lorry overtook another on a piece of two-lane. Not any more. Especially as the arrogance extended to not even replying to my email.