It’s funny how some of the best fleet management ideas can turn up in the most unexpected places.

Last week, I booked a private hire car to the airport for a business trip and got chatting to the chauffeur about the price of fuel, a subject that is understandably front-of-mind for most people in his line of work.

His company, which runs around 120 cars and minibuses, has a simple strategy that I bet is very effective. Each driver is issued with a mix of fuel cards and every Monday morning they get an e-mail from their fleet manager telling them which brand is currently the cheapest.

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, they are expected to buy their petrol and diesel from there for the next seven days.

To help them, they are all asked to download an app to their tablet or smartphone and this will tell them their nearest fuel outlet for the week’s agreed fuel company.

For vehicles like private hire cars that are often used around the clock, even saving a penny a litre is something that will soon add up to some very worthwhile sums, yet it is not something that any of the fleets with which we work currently do, as far as I am aware.

I wonder what other common sense fleet management ideas are out there waiting to be discovered?