This year’s ACFO conference and AGM hit the spot for fleet professionals. It covered all the hot topics of the moment including environmental issues, health and safety and taxation.

We’re not talking religious experience here, but it was incredibly informative and, surprisingly, fun.

Short of the speakers actually handing out cash, you’d struggle not have learnt something that would save your fleet money.

If you missed the conference you can read the highlights on this page and there’s more news at

Not only were the speakers excellent, but attending the conference is great for building contacts and gaining the views of other fleet managers.

Of particular note this year was a delegation from the Australasian Fleet Managers Association, who were half way through a world tour having already been to the US. It was fascinating to learn that AFMA is tackling all the same issues in their own countries that UK fleets face.

So if you’re not already a member of ACFO, perhaps it is time to join.