When asked by Business Car where he thought 5 E-Tech fleet business would come from, Costello said it had already received a great reception across all channels. 

He said: “We see it as a great car that just happens to be electric – much like the Scenic. It is already gaining great traction in retail, in fleet – it’s just a cracking car across the board. 

“We’ve had several fleet events now, we’ve got our first fleet demos going out now, and we know this car has been a long time coming. 

“The 5 E-Tech works well in most fleet areas, we’re seeing good uptake in salary sacrifice (sal-sac), as you’d expect. What we’re finding in sal-sac is, because the 5 E-Tech starts at such a low list price, we’re able to access drivers that would previously not qualify – because of minimum wage requirements. 

“In corporate, we’re finding drivers that are not doing as many miles as they used to, and don’t need to have a larger car are excited to get in a fun car, like the 5 E-Tech. The high standard specifications, means drivers are getting what they previously had in the C and D-segments. We’re finding corporate fleets are wanting to make sure it doesn’t just appear in bands you’d expect! They’re expecting to see different trims across their band range. 

“In public sector, we’re already getting some really good enquires and order take. 

“We’ve had events at Millbrook, we’ve had events in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and we’re trying to make sure that across our leasing, public sector, and corporate sal-sac customers, all have access to the car. 

“Even in the broker space, which traditionally would have been more ICE and hybrid, they’re really seeing EV sales increase this year – and are all remarkably excited about the 5 E-Tech. 

Asked what he thought was going to be the more popular battery version of the 5 E-Tech, and what spec, Costello went on to highlight the point that early adopters tend to go for a higher equipment grade level. 

He said: “I think that will balance out as time goes on, I think we’re going to get a nice spread across the range. For me, the Techno is likely to be the most popular fleet trim. 

“From a range and battery point of view, we’re finding an even split. So, our early indications were that the long-range battery would be popular in fleet. Due to customers different driving requirements, both are working. 

“I think what’s interesting now, is how people are much more pragmatic about the mileage that they do, on a day-to-day basis. Do they need the bigger battery? The customers that are doing shorter commutes, and for pleasure at the weekend, don’t need really, really long range. 

“What I think we will find is, as fleet managers and decision makers closely look at what their needs are, and how the vehicles will be used, hopefully they will order a mix, I don’t think we’re going to have a fixed situation for a job need vehicle.”