1 What was your first job?

I worked on a Youth Training Scheme as a mechanic – this then turned into a fitter job. A change of career led me to computing. I loved it from the start and have been in the computing and software sector ever since.

2 What was your first company car, and what do you drive now?

My first company car was a Peugeot 309. Now, I drive a Ford Mondeo.

3 What did you listen to on your last car journey?

Radio 2 on the way to work. Chris Evans was the presenter and he was talking about Leicester City’s incredible Premier League win [last season]. I’ve never been a club supporter, although I grew up in Leicester so it should be my home team!

4 What one thing do you wish you could do better?

Speak more languages.

5 What’s your biggest achievement?

I’m proud of what I’ve achieved in my work history, so far. I’ve worked with some great clients and sometimes it has involved difficult challenges, but I wouldn’t change it. I very much enjoy what I do

6 What are your three favourite films?

1) Shawshank Redemption – a story of triumph over adversity; 2) Pulp Fiction – it gives you an insight into a risky, edgy underworld; 3) Fargo – a film with forever deepening levels of creepiness.

7 What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

I once skied with one leg in a plaster cast.

8 What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting

Car sharing. Will it really take off?

9 What would be your specialist subject on Mastermind?

1980s pop music!

10 What’s the worst thing about your job?

I’ve not not been here long but I haven’t encountered anything. Yes, I have to say that! But really, it’s a great team.

11 What one law would you make or change?

All produce grown for consumption must be accepted for sale by supermarkets, no matter how distorted or gnarly-looking it is.

12 What did you want to be when you grew up?

From a very young age I wanted to be a farmer, and that was because my family owned a farm. I used to love seeing how it all worked.

13 Who is your ideal celebrity date?

Motor sports correspondent and presenter Suzi Perry.


Company Chevin Fleet Solutions  

Job title Operations director

Home town Derby

Family Wife and two children at home  

Age 47

Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer Chevin is a leading global provider of dedicated fleet management systems.