1 What was your first job?

Paper boy.

2 What was your first company car, and what do you drive now?

Vauxhall Astra, and I now ‘DriveNow’, so Mini and BMW cars.

3 What did you listen to on your last car journey? 

BBC Radio 6 – digital radio is a must and it’s even better when you’re driving [quiet] EVs.

4 What one thing do you wish you could do better?


5 What’s your biggest achievement? 

Launching DriveNow in London and San Francisco, of course.

6 What are your three favourite films? 

Pulp Fiction, Whiplash, Casino Royale.

7 What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? 

Write something that could get me arrested.

8 What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

What the DriveNow text should be for an advert on a dating app.

9 What would be your specialist subject on Mastermind? 

Car clubs, car sharing, transport apps.

10 What’s the worst thing about your job? 

Time – there’s not enough of it.

11 What one law would you make or change? 

I’d ban walking slowly.

12 What did you want to be when you grew up?

Didn’t know!

13 Who is your ideal celebrity date?

French actress Marion Cotillard.


Company DriveNow
Job title Director
Home town Cambridge
Family No kids
Age 32
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer On-demand BMW and Sixt car-sharing service: Find it. Drive it. Drop it. .