For the second year running, Lex has taken gold for being the best in the business at managing your fleet.

Victory will be sweet, but Lex chief Jon Walden, more than most, understands the true cost of taking home the silverware.

“The win has been the result of the massive investment in IT. We completed the ‘new’ system back in 2002, spending a total of £12m, but come the end of 2006 the investment totalled more than £30m.

“It is an example of our continued commitment to provide an IT platform that allows us to deliver,” adds Walden.

Unbelievably, the firm will spend yet more on IT during 2007, launching a new product based around eCommerce with online capability. Walden also points towards the success of innovative gambles such as the Momentum consultancy that offers businesses expert assistance to help boost efficiency in areas such as tax, finance, HR and fleet, giving Lex a competitive advantage.