1 What was your first job?

My first part-time job when I was 14 was in a butcher’s shop. I worked Saturdays, had to clean out the big fridge in the morning and spent the afternoon making mince and pet food to name just two of the delightful tasks.

2 What was your first company car?  

A Citroen AX 1.0-litre Debut. Not the fastest car I’ve ever driven, nor the most comfortable, but it served me well. I bought it from new and it lasted a long time, until I traded it in for something a little bigger.

3 What did you listen to on your last car journey?

I had the radio on TeamRock Radio on my in-car DAB. And very loud it was too.

4 What one thing do you wish you could do better?  

Play a musical instrument. I did take piano and trumpet lessons when I was younger, and I tried a few years ago to teach myself to play the guitar. Although I’d love to be able to play an instrument well, I sadly lack the dedication to achieve it.

5 What’s your biggest achievement?  

Not listening to the very kind manager at BBC Radio who told me after I’d been at Radio 5 Live for a week that I’d never make it as a broadcaster. I’d like to think I proved him wrong.

6 Who are your role models?

My mum and dad.

7 What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

Giving up a perfectly good job as a theatre press officer to join BBC Three Counties Radio on a one-month contract. Who does that sort of thing? Well, hopefully, lots of people. If you don’t take a risk and push yourself you’ll never know what you could have achieved.

8 What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

Whether Ted Kravitz [Sky Sports F1 reporter] looks good in sandals! No, it wasn’t, although that has been a topic in the past.

9 What’s in your garage?

Everything except the cars I’m afraid. Junk, golf clubs, lawn mower, fridge for wine, small fridge for beer, garden furniture, garden tools, tent and sleeping bags, BBQ.  Loads of stuff – it’s a big garage.

10 What’s the worst thing about your job?  

There’s nothing I dislike about my job I’m afraid. Sometimes it’s hard being away from my family so much, but I truly love what I do so I’m sorry, there isn’t a worst part to my job.

11 What one law would you make or change?  

Stronger deterrents on the use of mobile phones, except for hands-free, while driving. It staggers me how many people are on their phones and not hands-free when on the roads.

12 What keeps you awake at night?

Air-conditioning in hotel rooms – can’t sleep with it on.

13 Who is your ideal celebrity date?  

Katy Perry. Does she still support West Ham? I’d take her for an afternoon at the Boleyn Ground.



Company:  Sky Sports F1

Job title: Commentator   
Home town: Stevenage

Family: Wife Vicky and my four children – Sammi, Chris, Daniel and James  
Age: 44

Sum up yourself in 13 words or fewer: Husband, father, F1 fanatic and luckiest man alive