1. What was your first job?

My first part-time job was as a Saturday boy at Burton, the tailors, in Newcastle. I had to write down the measurements of a customer’s chest, arms and inside leg!


2. What was your first company car?

A red Vauxhall Chevette.


3. What did you listen to on your last car journey?

Talk Sport radio.


4. What one thing do you wish you could do better?

Speak French.


5. What’s your biggest achievement?

Working for Michelin for 34 years, going from entry level to senior management without a university education.


6. Who are your role models?

The late [former England manager] Bobby Robson – a true Geordie.


7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

I stay in hotels overnight for work regularly. On one occasion I remember coming down for breakfast and seeing a lady colleague from France across the room. I went over, said “good morning” with a French accent and kissed her on both cheeks. It was only when I saw how startled and confused she looked that I realised I had got the wrong person!


8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

The impact of the internet on the retail tyre business.


9. What’s in your garage?

I don’t have one.


10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

Trying to link in to our servers remotely when I’m on the road!


11. What one law would you make or change?

Zero tolerance on drink driving.


12. What keeps you awake at night?

My wife’s snoring.


13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

BBC Breakfast presenter Susanna Reid.

Name: Dave Crinson
Company: Michelin
Job title: Head of fleet
Home town: Newcastle
Family: Married with two daughters
Age: Near retirement
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer: Global, innovative, sustainable, iconic, customer-focused, caring and 125 years’ expertise in tyres.