1. What was your first job?

My first part-time job was as a milkman at the age of 14, meaning I was up at 5am every day. My first full-time job was a graduate trainee at Jaguar Cars in Coventry. Luckily, that involved a more reasonable start time.


2. What was your first company car?

It was a Nissan Primera 2.0L in white – I think it was the one no one else wanted but I thought it was great.


3. What did you listen to on your last car journey?

The Jam – a reminder of my teenage years.


4. What one thing do you wish you could do better?

I wish I could play golf at an acceptable level. It’s the most frustrating game in the world.


5. What’s your biggest achievement?

Being involved in delivering Nissan’s record sales year in 2012 – 61,000 units marked the company’s highest ever fleet volume in the UK in one year. I was really proud of my team.


6. Who are your role models?

My parents. They instilled that hard work, dedication and self-motivation can go a long way to achieving your goals in life.


7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

Travelling to the Le Mans using my wife’s passport takes some beating! Customs appeared not to realise. 


8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

The total industry volume for 2013 – anybody got any ideas?


9. What’s in your garage?

A few old motorcycles, various tools and lots of discarded horse-riding equipment – my wife appears to be a collector. No luxury boy’s toys I’m afraid.


10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

Nothing major as I really enjoy what I do, but a few less e-mails would be good.


11. What one law would you make or change?

I’d like to see speed limits reviewed and adjusted to suit conditions and modern vehicles. In my view, 60mph on a single track country road is far too high; conversely 70mph on the motorways is too low.


12. What keeps you awake at night?

Not much apart from the family dogs when they escape the kitchen and decide to provide an unprompted night visit.


13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

I’m a sports fan so Jessica Ennis. And with Nissan now being an official partner of the GB team, you never know!

Name: Barry Beeston
Company: Nissan GB
Job title: Corporate sales director
Home town: Nantwich, Cheshire
Family: Wife, two children
Age: 47
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer: Bold, innovative and always looking to improve.