It shows the progress the business car industry has made when Zurich, one of the world’s largest insurance firms, can scoop the risk management award ahead of more specialised driver training companies.

“This year legislation, in the form of the Corporate Manslaughter Act, has got the issue of risk management up the boardroom agenda, so people are starting to implement risk management strategies,” said Andy Price, Zurich practice leader motor fleet.

“Our philosophy to risk management is different from others’ – for us it is important to do it right, rather than sell a particular product.”

One product Zurich is particularly proud of is its safety booklet.

“We have a safety best practice booklet that we send to drivers. Normally 90% of booklets of this type are just put in the bin, even if they sign to say they’ve read it. So we have an online test that can only be passed 100% if they’ve read it. It’s great for the audit trail, too, as this means companies can demonstrate their drivers have read it,” said Price.