The LibDem shadow transport secretary speaks to BusinessCar about her party’s policies

Where do the LibDems stand on.

… Road charging?

“Road-user pricing provides an opportunity to ensure that those who pollute the most pay the most for road use. Figures obtained from the Government confirmed that the cost of motoring has gone down by 10% in real terms over the past 30 years, while the cost of rail has gone up 55% and the cost of buses by 52%. The Government estimates road congestion is set to increase by a further 25% by 2015. It would therefore be irresponsible not to look at new ways to price road use to ensure that those who pollute the most pay the most.”

. Motoring and the environment?

“We believe climate change is the biggest challenge facing our world. Transport is responsible for 27% of the UK’s CO2 emissions, with road transport accounting for 95% of those emissions. With the right system, people using environmentally friendly cars could also see their taxes cut.”

. Motoring taxation?

“Green taxes have fallen as a proportion of GDP. In 1997 they were 3.37% – they are now 2.89%. We will keep fuel duty in line with inflation except in periods of oil price spikes and raise vehicle excise duty on the most polluting cars to £2000.

. The car as business transport?

“Our research shows the biggest increase in traffic has come from business travel. High speed rail is vital if we are to increase capacity on the railways, and we also need to promote greener standards for cars. There is a huge cost to the economy of all the wasted hours spent on crowded roads.”

… What car do you drive?

“A Renault Scenic.”