In recent years, sustainability has become an increasingly common buzzword. But what does it mean for businesses in real terms? 

Business mobility can have a significant impact on budgets and carbon emissions. Cutting down on how often and how far employees are required to travel and changing their mode of transport can provide substantial savings on both fronts. Indeed, the increasingly popular hybrid working model is changing many aspects of business travel. But people and goods still need to get from A to B and employers are looking to their fleet and business travel managers to think about how this can happen with sustainability as a core driver. 

On your bike

Recent Europcar research found that businesses are looking at several sustainability targets relating to mobility. The most common, a target for 29% of respondents, is to increase use of alternative mobility solutions such as cycling and walking. This was closely followed by increasing the number of electric vehicles on fleet and an overall reduction in business travel.

Encouragingly, 54% of respondents said they already have hybrid vehicles on fleet; over half have fully electric. But the reality is that very few businesses are making a wholesale switch to electric right now.  Instead, a transitional strategy, reducing emissions alongside testing new powertrains, is being widely adopted. And this will become ever more important as the current vehicles on company fleets get older. 

Employers also need to adapt their mobility choices to ensure the growing number of Clean Air Zones coming into force in cities across the UK this year doesn’t hit their bottom line. Being able to access compliant cars and vans as and when they’re needed makes a lot of sense.

Overcoming the electric barriers 

When it comes to electric vehicles, 53% of the businesses surveyed said they provide charging at company premises; over half also contribute to at-home charging costs. So, the usual ‘range-anxiety’ challenge is being addressed. However, other barriers do persist. Fleet supply is holding back 29%, while a similar percentage are hesitant due to lack of understanding around the cost of maintenance, repairs and charging. 

Rental can play its part in solving these issues.

Businesses and drivers need to understand what is right for them now and in the future, and a try-before-you-buy option will give the driver and the business a real-world picture of all areas of electric vehicle ownership. This will not only reassure businesses that the investment in a greener fleet will work with their business operations and bring business benefits. It will also help dispel any concerns drivers have regarding charging infrastructure and driving range. 

To find out more about how Europcar can help your organisation on your sustainability journey visit or call 0371 384 0140