With many fleets that are looking to make the electric transition reliant on the public charging network –  and having no on-site facilities – the importance of effective charging strategies cannot be underestimated. 

Driving efficiencies with connected insights

Dedicated EV management solutions, such as Webfleet’s EV toolkit, offer the management insights to make these a reality.

They can help fleets determine the extent to which public, home or business charging infrastructure will be utilised by revealing where their vehicles spend most time, their dwell time and their typical mileage. And where fleets are forced to pay a higher price per kWh, they can help them to mitigate this costly overhead.

Improving driving performance

Drivers are a cornerstone of cost-effective EV operations.

Electric vehicle range, as with petrol or diesel vehicle mpg, is improved by drivers refraining from speeding and by taking a smooth, more gentle approach to acceleration and braking. 

With an advanced telematics platform in situ, fleets can compare the kWh per mile efficiency of their vehicles and drivers, or analyse kinetic energy recovered through regenerative braking. Using driving performance monitoring solutions, such as Webfleet’s OptiDrive 360 that scores and profiles drivers based on key performance indicators, problem trends can be addressed and drivers can be empowered to improve with real-time feedback.

The importance of a supportive working environment to maximise driver engagement with EV operations and performance improvement initiatives should also be an important consideration for management.

Research from Bridgestone Mobility Solutions has found that more than three-quarters (76 per cent) of fleet operators believe work pressures facing drivers are intensifying in the wake of the ‘cost of business’ crisis. A similar number (75 per cent) believe the cost-of-living crisis is negatively impacting their mental health.

Fleet management solutions can have a crucial role to play here in alleviating stress. Managers can keep closer tabs on driver hours and rest break protocols to prevent fatigue, while burdensome admin can be alleviated by digitising everything from maintenance scheduling to mileage capture, claims processes and vehicle safety checks.

Jobs can be dynamically assigned or reallocated according to capacity, with schedules optimised to ensure sensible workloads and realistic deadlines. 

Rich intelligence

One of the most powerful telematics tools for electric fleets comes in the shape of route optimisation – this can now take account of vehicle battery levels, capacity, energy consumption and charge point locations.

But there are further opportunities to increase mileage per KWh – and to cut service, maintenance and repair costs – by enriching smart data with video insights. Telematics solutions that are integrated with camera systems, such as Webfleet Video, will help raise standards behind the wheel. 

Video evidence can be used to make driving training and education programmes even more tailored to meet driver needs, and to support initiatives that recognise and reward good driving behaviour.

Functionality such as the Webfleet Charger Connection Report, meanwhile, offers visibility over vehicles’ charging statuses and remaining charging times, helping ensure drivers adopt the most cost-effective charging practises. 

The electrification of transport looks set to continue apace, helping to reduce harmful carbon emissions, but only by adopting a data-driven approach to their operations can businesses really embrace e-mobility with financial peace of mind.

Call 0208 822 3605 or visit www.webfleet.com