One in three drivers have damaged their cars in potholes, according to road safety charity the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

A further 16% have either been involved in or seen an accident caused by a road user hitting a pothole.

Of 2600 road users questioned, 88% said pothole repair should be the top priority for local council maintenance.

More than half of respondents were dissatisfied with their council’s performance in maintaining local roads as opposed to just 14% who were satisfied.

Overall people in Wales were most satisfied with council road maintenance – 27% rated performance as good. On the other hand, only 10% of those questioned in the south east gave a similar rating.

Many respondents suggested local government spending cuts had contributed to the deterioration of road surfaces.

Keeping foliage and grass cut back to preserve good visibility and annual surface dressing of worn out roads were the next most pressing maintenance concerns.

IAM director of policy and research, Neil Greig, said: “The public is unhappy with the state of their roads although many realise that spending cuts are the real problem. 80% of those polled thought local councils should work more closely together to increase efficiency.”

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