As a nation, we are definitely getting greener. Pretty much all of us now recycle and there is clearly a trend towards greener vehicles. However, it’s unclear as to whether this is as a result of greater enthusiasm to protect the environment or because more sustainable living is being forced upon us (or a combination of both).
Recent research from the Corporate Vehicle Observatory (CVO) Barometer shows that in the UK business arena, the environment remains right at the top of the agenda. However, while lots of companies talk a good game, many are not taking the necessary steps to effectively manage their environmental impact.
So according to the research, while the majority of businesses showed great interest in sustainable products and services, a large number were not measuring the environmental impact of their vehicles, let alone setting targets for CO2 reduction. So if many businesses (despite budgets to hit and organisational reputation to think about), are struggling to be as sustainable as they could, what hope for individual drivers?
Well actually, quite a lot. Whenever money is at stake, actions can be changed. With the full range of costs now directly linked to the environment, in particular through vehicle taxation which is focused on emissions, it gives drivers a compelling reason to consider the environment.
Through the vehicles that we choose and the way that we drive, our miles per gallon and CO2 outputs can be reduced which in turn mean that large chunks of cost can consistently be cut from the running of our vehicles.
Whatever the motivation; whether you have an environmental conscience or not, the reality is that the more sustainable your vehicle, and the more efficiently you operate it, the more cash you can save.
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