Independent vehicle management firm Leasedrive Velo Group has dropped the ‘Velo’ from its name and also revealed a new logo.

The rebranding follows the integration of Masterlease, after Leasedrive was appointed by Investec Capital Markets at the end of last year to manage, operate and integrate the banking firm’s acquisition of the UK contract hire business of Masterlease. The now deleted ‘Velo’ was originally taken on as part of the Leasedrive and Velo merger in 2007.

Leasedrive Group commercial director Roddy Graham said: “At the time of our appointment we stated that the fit between our group and Masterlease was excellent and so it has proved with such striking similarities that we have chosen the colour and typeface of Masterlease UK for the new Leasedrive brand logo. At the same time we have dropped our humming bird icon and our ‘a refreshing change’ strapline and adopted the Masterlease ‘Go further’ strapline instead.

“By combining the best elements of both identities, we have endeavoured. to reassure our blue chip customers that they are dealing with a familiar service provider, the look and feel underscoring our fleet expertise. The new logo colour and typeface, plus ‘Go further’ strapline, reflect the fact that at the heart of the Leasedrive Group beats a common core business philosophy.”

The combined operation has a fleet of more than 45,000 vehicles and at the time of the Investec acquisition, Leasedrive Group MD David Bird said it created an “industry-leading” blue chip client portfolio. “The fit between Leasedrive Velo and Masterlease is excellent and we look forward to developing and delivering exciting products and services,” added Bird.

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