Maybe I’m sitting too far back, or suffer from short-arm syndrome, but reaching the Exeo’s radio controls is a bit too far of a stretch to be comfortable.
The power/volume knob, for example, is almost entirely out of reach, although there is a steering wheel control to change volume. Not only that, but in a time of bigger displays and luxurious touchscreens, the radio system itself seems antiquated – there’s no easy way to scroll through stations and the small digital-display isn’t pleasing on the eye. Also, to get to a station of choice involves pressing a hard button numerous times with constant glances necessary to see what you’re listening to. There is no mute option, either, a function I’m always a fan of, in case of sirens or other on-road diversions – the scroll-style volume control definitely takes longer to silence sound than a simple mute button would. Slight tweaking in these areas could help take this car, interior-wise, higher up the fleet estate agenda.