We all know about how important it is to be regularly checking licences of our drivers. ACFO and Business Car have just launched an excellent guide which tells you everything you need to know about the hows and whys. Apparently some drivers still don’t get it: I heard a story this week of a driver that didn’t want to have their licence copied. They were quite happy to have it inspected but weren’t comfortable to have a copy taken of it.
Their argument was that they weren’t didn’t like their data being out of their control. It was explained that the documents were kept in a file in a cabinet in a locked office in a secure building which was alarmed and the site was alarmed as well as being covered by CCTV cameras. They were also offered the opportunity of watching the ritual shredding of their last copy to be replaced with an updated version. Apparently this wasn’t sufficient to appease them.
It can be that sometimes fleet managers don’t get much support but in this case the driver’s line manager repeated the instruction of the fleet manager. “No copy of licence, no driving”. He also mentioned that as he couldn’t drive anymore and his primary role was as a driver he may as well go home because he couldn’t do his job properly.
Apparently there was quickly a change of mind and attitude and a new copy now resides in the aforementioned file.
Having had numerous years of dealing with licence checking, examples like this have become less frequent as time has gone on but it still amazes me that staff that are required to drive in their jobs can still have an aversion to the whole process. And I thought that dinosaurs were extinct!
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