The Institute of Car Fleet Management is looking to increase its training of people involved in the fleet industry who aren’t fleet managers.

“We’re working hard to move the ICFM from where is was four years ago, from training fleet managers to training the whole industry – leasing, roadside assistance, rental and all the other sectors,” said chairman Roddy Graham, who is also commercial director of Leasedrive Velo. “We really want lease companies, rental, dealers etc to help and support us. We need more people to recognise what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.”

Graham said his long-term goal is for ICFM qualification to be looked at in the same way as other sectors like finance and HR, where a qualification is important when applying for jobs: “My vision is that for a fleet-related position you have ICFM qualification as a prerequisite, or it is certainly preferred. You can get a fleet management job responsible for multi-million budgets without any recognised qualification and I want to change that. And it’d really tick a box if, when someone comes into the fleet department, the first thing major employers do is put them through ICFM basic training.”