It’s that time of year again when we ask for your opinion to judge which companies, products and services are at the head of their field by voting in the BusinessCar Awards.

Voting is now open for the 2010 BusinessCar Awards, the most highly rated trophies in the industry because they’re voted for by you, the BusinessCar readers. No-one knows more about who’s best at helping the industry than the people dealing with these businesses, vehicles and services on a daily basis.

So tell us who you think deserves to be rewarded by casting your vote online at

If you’re after more of an incentive to take part, then how about this: one lucky voter’s name will be pulled out of a hat to win a case of Champagne after the polls have closed in November.

A message to suppliers

BusinessCar prides itself on being as open as possible for the BusinessCar Awards so that the voting is as fair as possible. For this reason we try to include every business operating in each sector, so if you spot that your company isn’t on a list then drop me a line at and we’ll put you onto the voting form.