To get from A to B on time, planning your journey has never been more important. Drivers up and down the country are frustrated on a regular basis by roads operating at or close to capacity causing congestion and delays.

So it comes as a relief to many drivers that the Government has allocated an extra £6 billion to improve capacity on the country’s busiest motorways and major roads. This money is in addition to the £3 billion announced last year and forms part of the Government’s policy to bolster economic recovery by moving ahead with public infrastructural investment.

The money will culminate in an additional 520 lane miles of road through the widening and opening up of motorway hard shoulders. So good news in terms of increased capacity on the roads, and with the recent slowdown in car sales it should ease traffic in problem spots and help speed up many journeys. However, it goes without saying that these changes to our infrastructure aren’t going to happen overnight and in the interim drivers need to take matters into their own hands.

One potential solution to beat the traffic seems to have come straight from the movies. a flying car. The Terrafugia Transition is a prototype that has just been built by a small American company. Press the button and within 15 seconds it will transform from a two-seater plane into a road-legal car. What’s more, while it sounds a bit far fetched, it is scheduled to hit showrooms sometime next year.

The benefits – putting to one side the ability to take off and fly over traffic – are more practical than you might think. It provides a quicker alternative than cars for commuting over any distance, runs on standard premium unleaded and will easily fit onto the driveway.

As you might expect, what isn’t quite so practical is the price. Terrafugia’s Transition will cost around £132,000, a figure not to be sniffed at, and significantly more than the standard business commuter is likely to be shelling out on their current car.

Moving back to the here and now – better journey planning makes sense; it doesn’t cost anything, apart from a bit of time, and can save money through reduced fuel usage and less wear and tear on the vehicle. Planning a journey to miss traffic hotspots, commuting outside of rush hour and cutting out unnecessary trips all make a difference. Combine this with smart modal choice such as car sharing and the selected use of public transport and the results are notable for your pocket, your time and the environment.