BusinessCar deputy editor Paul Barker puts 13 testing questions to Hitachi’s Philip Peace
1. What was your first job? Sales co-ordinator for Honda Motor Europe Motorcycles
2. What was your first company car? Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ghia
3. What did you listen to on your last car journey? Johnny Vaughan on Capital radio
4. What one thing do you wish you could do better? Play football to a higher standard (to take on my kids / to play for e.g. Chelsea).
5. What’s your biggest achievement? Building a climbing frame from scratch – I have very limited DIY skills
6. Who are your role models? Richard Branson
7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? I severed my hand with a saw whilst cutting a piece of wood that I should have paid someone else to do.
8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting? Our environmental strategy and methods of communicating to our clients that an effective “green” strategy is also a cost effective one.
9. What’s in your garage? A beer fridge, mountain bikes and golf clubs, along with a lot of rubbish that I seem to hold on to for no reason.
10. What’s the worst thing about your job? Travelling, particularly the M25!
11. What one law would you make or change? I would get rid of stamp duty and personal taxation!
12. What keeps you awake at night? Farnborough airport now that celebrities are flying in and out at all hours!
13. Who is your ideal celebrity date? Christy Turlington