For the bloke caught at a new record speed in the UK of 172mph on an A-road, there is only one answer. Ban the guy for life…

Speeding and speed limiters

For the bloke caught at a new record speed in the UK of 172mph on an A-road, there is only one answer. Ban the guy for life, not for three years, and auction off his Porsche 911 Turbo and donate the proceeds to victims of road accidents. A 172mph at three o’clock in the morning on an empty stretch of motorway between two junctions I can just about understand but not condone with a three-year ban. However, on an A-road, give us a break! There is only one place for enjoying the limits of a high performance car and that is on a closed circuit track not the open road.

Talking of record speeds, this can only add grist to the mill for those seeking to install speed limiters in vehicles. Now where is the sense in that unless our vehicles are going to be independently controlled to drive at minimum distances from each other and be paced according to traffic conditions and speed limits? My understanding is that this is pure utopia and will not happen in reality.

So where do I stand on speed limiters? Well my attitude is that the best speed limiter in the whole world is your right foot. And while the menace to society behind the wheel of the aforementioned Porsche 911 Turbo does not help my argument I would still contend that I would rather knowingly have the ability to quickly overtake or accelerate out of a dangerous situation than be left prone due to a speed limiting device.

The chairman of the Commission for Integrated Transport, who recently floated the idea, has even admitted that it’s quite hard to overtake in vehicles fitted with speed limiters. Need I say more!

Lastly, the Road Traffic Act has been tightened up further. The number of penalty points for those failing to disclose the identity of a person caught speeding has now been doubled from three to six points. I would suggest the law has made it a lot easier for someone to lose their licence and that is the best way forward.