Businesses of all sizes are realising that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) should rest at the heart of all operations, including their employee travel and mobility strategy. 
By creating an inclusive and flexible travel policy, which not only improves employees’ ability to travel but is also sympathetic to their needs, companies can make a positive contribution to their wellbeing and belonging. All of which strengthens engagement across an entire organisation. 
Travel policies are designed to deliver cost and carbon savings by striving to ensure efficient and appropriate vehicles and mobility options are consistently used and available for work. 
At the same time, they must also support employees to feel engaged by showing that 
available transport options are both relevant to them and reflect their needs. 
Speaking with companies across the UK on a daily basis, I’m aware what great strides have already been made when it comes to incorporating DEI within mobility strategies. 
But I believe that there are further opportunities for every business to be even more inclusive as mobility options evolve. 
It is about offering travel options, in line with where people want to go, that provide flexibility and take into consideration and support any unique needs that are present. 
There should be an appreciation of the fact that everyone’s different. For example, some 
colleagues may be living with non-visible disabilities which need to be taken into account 
when providing travel and transport arrangements. 
It’s only when you fully understand precisely what team members require and are in 
possession of the most comprehensive data relating to their work-related travel that the right options can be implemented. 
As travel increasingly becomes connected, this data can become even more important in 
determining the right kind of vehicle or mode of transport required by colleagues, depending on their individual circumstances and the journey they need to make. 
It’s also evident that diversity, transport, travel and social mobility are becoming increasingly intertwined – and this creates an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate how they are supporting their people’s work travel. 
We are actively working with a range of local authorities, public transport providers and other organisations to promote affordable, inclusive, sustainable and active travel habits. 
This is to ensure that a wide range of mobility options are available to them so that their 
employees have access to as many integrated transportation options as possible, which 
regularly include car clubs and other mobility hubs with multiple transport offerings. 
At the start of 2023, the message is clear. 
If your company’s objective is to create an environment where the best people can bring 
their full selves to work, then DEI – in all its myriad guises – should be as integral to your mobility strategy as the vehicles you choose for your fleet.