Vehicle movement company Engineius has paid to offset its corporate carbon footprint.

The firm worked with offsetting specialist Climate Partner to calculate its footprint, including emissions from sources such as energy and heating, business travel, office supplies and everything else produced in the operation of the company. 

This figure will be recalculated each year to monitor progress and identify additional areas for improvement.

Engineius managing director Calum Slowther said: “We are delighted to be approved as a climate neutral company.

“When we launched back in 2018 our vision was to make vehicle movement easy, transparent and as green as possible. The green element is imperative; it means taking ownership of firstly, the carbon output of our own business, and secondly the emissions created through the vehicle movement service we provide.”

According to Engineius, its goal is to reduce its operational emissions as much as possible, with the offsetting only for emissions that are impossible to avoid.

The scheme will see it paying into projects such as bamboo afforestation efforts in Nicaragua.

Slowther added: “This is phase one of our climate neutral plan. Phase two is to work with our customers to carbon offset each vehicle movement made by Engineius. 

“As well as delivering a quality service we will work with our fleet customers to ensure the day-to-day movement of vehicles within their fleet role supports their own business goals towards carbon neutrality.”