Drivers will be subject to on-the-spot eyesight checks at the side of the road under a new campaign.

During the month-long campaign, for which road safety charity Brake has teamed up with police forces in Thames Valley, Hampshire and the West Midlands, anyone stopped by road policing officers will be required to read a number plate from 20 metres. Those who fail will have their driving licences revoked immediately.

Data will also be collected from each test and used to improve understanding of how poor driver eyesight affects road safety in the UK, which Brake thinks is underreported in government statistics. 

Brake, alongside optician chain Vision Express, is campaigning for the government to tighten the law around eyesight for driving, with professional testing made compulsory before a driving test, and each time a driver renews their photocard licence.

Brake director of campaigns Joshua Harris said: “It stands to reason that good eyesight is fundamental to safe driving, yet our current licensing system does not do enough to protect us from drivers with poor vision.

“It is frankly madness that there is no mandatory requirement on drivers to have an eye test throughout the course of their driving life, other than the disproven 20m number plate test when taking the driving test.

“Partnering with the police on this campaign will help us understand the extent of poor driver vision in the UK, an issue where good data is lacking.

“This is the first-step on the road to ensuring that good eyesight is a given on UK roads – the public shouldn’t expect anything less.”

Representing the police forces taking part in the campaign, Sergeant Rob Heard said: “Since 2013, the police have a new procedure – Cassie’s Law – to fast track notification to the DVLA should they find someone who cannot read a number plate at 20m in daylight conditions.

“Offending motorists will, within an hour, have their licence revoked and face prosecution.

“During September, we will be carrying out 20m number plate checks at every opportunity and those who fail will have their licences revoked. 

“I hope we do not find anyone and everyone makes sure they are safe to read the road ahead.”