Seat has announced its fleet sales have experienced 37% year-on-year growth in the first half of 2017.

The Spanish brand put much of the success down to the introduction of the Ateca crossover earlier this year, and predicated the upward trend would continue with the recent arrival of the all-new Ibiza lower medium model and the Arona crossover going on sale by the end of this year.

According to Seat, true fleet sales are up by 63% year on year, while Motability sales have increased by 277%, with the company being the fastest-growing firm in the latter sector.

Seat also announced plans to reduce its rental sales volumes by a third to support residual values “for customers who require a robust overall proposition”.

These results go against recent new car registration trends, with the new car market declining for four months in a row as a result of the new VED regime coming into force in April and an increased sense of economic uncertainty surrounding the post-Brexit talks.

Last month, fleet registrations fell by 10.1% compared with July 2016’s figures, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said.

Seat has launched a number of programmes to boost fleet uptake, including offering four-day-long test drives to allow company car drivers to see how the vehicles fit into their lives and its Fleet Excellence scheme, which supports and offers incentives to dealerships to sell vehicles to corporate customers.

The firm added that it is planning to roll out other offerings to make things easier for fleets, including publishing a whole-life cost calculator on its website.

“We’re excited and pleased with the results. Seat’s been growing in fleet for four consecutive years, and that’s accelerated recently with our broadening product portfolio,” said Peter McDonald, head of fleet and business sales at Seat.  “We’ve been working hard to enhance our service to customers, and initiatives like four-day test drive and the fleet excellence programme have improved our offering. Our expectations are that this success will continue with a number of product launches on the horizon, and an imminent upgrading of our fleet website. More than ever, we have full confidence in our capability to be a serious consideration for any fleet operator.”