More than half of businesses say they are concerned about their drivers being distracted by in-car technology with the introduction of connected cars to their fleet, according to new research.

According to the RAC, 51% of companies are concerned about their drivers being distracted, rising to 55% among businesses with 100 employees or below.

More than a third (35%) of firms also said they are worried about driver data being hacked through the internet, while 18% said they are concerned that more autonomy will take too much responsibility away from the driver.

The RAC survey also found that 83% of firms believe connected cars could be used to diagnose engine faults while on the move; 72% said the technology will increase fuel efficiency and 67% think the technology will help reduce wear and tear.

“Connected vehicle technology represents an exciting new chapter in motoring but we feel businesses need to be clear about what it means for their vehicles, both in terms of safety and security, but also for vehicle management,” said Nick Walker, managing director of RAC Telematics. “While connected vehicles will benefit from being able to communicate ith each other and with the environment around them to make driving safer, it may not necessarily be the case that it will deliver real insight on engine performance statistics and diagnostics. Fleet managers require consistent data from their fleet to be able to fully manage downtime and risk.”