The DVLA is to publicly beta test an online service, with a view to enabling people to pay fines online from next week.
The tool was created at the motoring agency’s first ‘hackathon’ where employees came with ideas on how to improve services.
So far, 1200 customers have used the service in the private testing stage.
A spokesman for the DVLA told BusinessCar that the Swansea-based Government department isn’t sure how long the trial will run for.
When people receive penalty notices through the post they will have a unique code to input into the system in order to pay the fine online.
The spokesman added that the service is web-based but will work with mobiles and tablets too.
“By making it easier for our customers to pay their fine, it means further enforcement action is less likely, customers are able to pay any vehicle tax outstanding and it reduces the number of calls taken by our contact centre,” the DVLA said in a blog post. “Our long-term aim is to add more vehicle-related penalties to the service and encourage more digital take-up.”