Volvo will launch an autonomous car project next year in London in an attempt to speed up the introduction of technologies that can reduce road accidents.

Called Drive Me London, the trial will gather data from families travelling in semi-autonomous cars from early next year and 100 fully-autonomous cars from 2018.

The data will be used to develop autonomous vehicles that can deal with real-world driving conditions, as well as test-track conditions.

Thatcham Research, meanwhile, will analyse the data captured and provide the drivers for the tests.

A spokesman for Volvo told BusinessCar that the tests are likely to take place on trunk and motorway routes in and out of the capital instead.

“Autonomous driving represents a leap forward in car safety,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive of Volvo Cars. “The sooner autonomous cars are on the roads, the sooner lives will start being saved.”

“This is a landmark trial in the development of autonomous driving. The data collection and analysis will for the first time provide real world insights into how drivers actually react to autonomous driving in actual road conditions,” Peter Shaw, chief executive at Thatcham Research said.