Transport consultancy firm, Transport Research Laboratory has opened a lab to develop connected and autonomous car technology, and test these out on roads in the surrounding area.

Based in Greenwich, South East London, the new facility will help companies bring products to the market faster, by allowing them to be trialled on Greenwich streets.

Vehicle manufacturers and technology developers are expected to use the centre – known as the UK Smart Mobility Living Lab @ Greenwich – to assist with research and development. Support will be provided by TRL at its R&D headquarters in Berkshire.

“The launch of the UK Smart Mobility Living Lab is an important step in the path towards vehicle automation,” said Rob Wallis, CEO of TRL. “Many organisations are testing autonomous systems in dedicated off-street facilities, but the success of these vehicles largely depends on how they integrate into real world living environments, alongside existing transport services.”

“By providing a welcoming and real-life regulatory environment for testing, TRL can help accelerate the adoption of new technology and enable the UK to play a pivotal role in the development of this global market over the next five years,” he added.