1 What was your first job?
My first job seems like a distant memory now, but I do remember working my way up the ranks at Providence Financial Group, where I ended up running one of its branch offices.
2 What was your first company car?
An Astra 1.6 GTE – a super quick car in a fantastic maroon colour. I loved it!
3 What did you listen to on your last car journey?
If it’s an early start, I love tuning into Steve Allen’s show on LBC. No matter what side of the bed I wake up on, he never fails to entertain me with his comical and catty character. Kiss FM is also another one of my firm favourites, to my daughter’s dismay.
4 What one thing do you wish you could do better?
Definitely painting. I’ve always been pretty good with drawing and sketching, I’ve just never had the patience to paint. Artists fascinate me.
5 What’s your biggest achievement?
In my eyes, raising a loving and healthy family will always be my best achievement in life.
6 Who are your role models?
My ultimate role models would have to be my children. It might not be your typical response, but my kids always keep me on my toes with their inquisitive and difficult questions
7 What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?
It’s not in my character to believe in regrets, as the past is just what it is. For me, it’s all about tomorrow. However, while the offer of travelling the world in my early 20s might have been the trip of a lifetime, it’s definitely something I’d still love to do.
8 What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?
While corporate meetings tend to be a passionate affair, the family dinner table is often pretty heated, too. The most recent topic of debate is the colour of our kitchen – ‘elephant’s breath’. My wife and I are constantly fighting over whether it’s brown or grey. We’ve still not reached a conclusion.
9 What’s in your garage?
The content of my garage remains a mystery to me. Over the past 15 years we’ve moved house four times, and I’ve lost count of the number of boxes we’ve collected along the way. Most have remained unopened, so I imagine they’re probably full of sentimental delights.
10 What’s the worst thing about your job?
People are too nice. It’s a great quality but if things need to get done, sometimes a firmer approach is needed
11 What one law would you make or change?
Forgive me for being traditional but if I could, I’d remove all mobile devices from meeting rooms and dinner tables. Technology is a great thing, but it’s also a great distraction.
12 What keeps you awake at night?
Ideas. I’m a creative thinker.
13 Who is your ideal celebrity date?
I’ve always wanted to meet James Dyson. All his ideas are centred on reinventing things and making them better. His ability to think outside the box and advance existing innovations is something I see in Alphabet’s product strategy. Getting people to change their thinking naturally is a great and inspirational skill to hav
Company Alphabet
Job title Chief commercial officer
Home town Eton
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer Alphabet helps customers with changing business travel needs. We’re progressive, outstanding and personal.