I’m just back from our annual US user group day, an event that always seems to throw me a curve ball – to use an appropriately American expression – in terms of innovative fleet thinking that previously wasn’t on my radar.
This year I was blindsided by the way in which some of our most advanced users are now employing their fleet software to manage almost anything but the fleet.
We have seen some limited examples of this in the past. After all, a fleet software system is, in essence, a very advanced asset management and data recording tool. In some senses, it just happens to be used for cars, vans and plant, and can easily be adapted for other purposes.
However, some US fleets are taking this to fascinating extremes. One, Washington based utility company DC Water, are using our software across their safety, risk and insurance departments to successfully manage all kinds of processes. In fact, their repurposing of Chevin FleetWave has been so determined that they now call it simply “Wave” – the Fleet” prefix having been made redundant.
There are signs that the same kind of thinking is starting to emerge here. This has been accelerated by the introduction of our FleetWave Mobile app, which is designed not just to collect fleet data but can be used for almost any process that requires mobile data recording, from parcel delivery to equipment checks.
We expect this to be a major source of discussion at our UK user day, to be held in September. It’s an absorbing subject and I, for one, am looking forward to hearing what fleet managers on this side of the Atlantic have to say.