‘They’re ALL victims! Clegg’s Outrageous verdict on drug users… and his pal Branson says smoking skunk is safe!’  This was the headline on the Daily Mail website on 5March.

Ironically, this appeared in the same week that the Government launched new limits on illegal and prescription drugs for drivers; a Government in which Nick Clegg is deputy prime minister.

As a politician I believe Mr. Clegg should be more careful about what he says, particularly at a time when its clear that any form of drug driving is being treated more seriously than before. Sir Richard Branson is, of course, entitled to his opinions, yet I wonder how he would feel about the safety aspect if one of his staff were to smoke skunk and then drive.

It strikes me that in the run up to an election politicians will always seek to grab the headlines, but whoever ends up in power I hope they will look at road safety properly.

David Cameron has stated recently that the UK has the safest roads in the world, but most experts would argue that the reduction in KSI figures (killed and seriously injured) in recent years has had more to do with the lack of miles driven during the economic downturn than anything to do with the government.

But its not silly headlines, like the one in the Daily Mail, that annoy me the most. I get more irritated by the less sensational ones where the Government tells us how well they are doing with road safety. For example, the number of motorists being prosecuted is falling, except when it comes to speeding. Are we really meant to believe that the Government has made such great strides to improve things?

If so, I’d like someone to remind me of the national campaign that achieved this because it certainly passed me by. I suspect this is more likely to be down to a lack of traffic police due to cuts in budgets, resulting in less officers to catch drivers.

Whoever forms the next Government will inevitably be focusing on reducing waiting times in the NHS. Please remember that investment in road safety saves money for the emergency services, reduces the number of people requiring treatment and also takes the pressure off many other agencies, businesses and individuals.

Its time to take this issue seriously, rather than just use it as a Political headline grabber!