VW’s head of fleet must be a top man because he wants to rid us of parking charges and says his mum is his role model

1. What was your first job? 

I was working in water treatment and my first role was as an advertising assistant for internal literature and brochures.

2. What was your first company car? 

A Ford Sierra. It was 1985.

3. What did you listen to on your last car journey? 

The American rock duo The Black Keys.

4. What one thing do you wish you could do better? 

Play golf – I’ve never quite cracked it!

5. What’s your biggest achievement? 

At the moment it’s remaining sane with three teenagers all doing exams at the same time.

6. Who are your role models? 

I’d have to say my mum. Widowed with eight children, she did a great job of raising us all and teaching us the value of family and hard work.

7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? 

Agree to take part in this interview – the questions are harder than I thought they’d be!

8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting? 

The UK fleet market – where it is going in terms of growth and defining a sector strategy within that.

9. What’s in your garage?

A lot of bikes. and a lot of rubbish.

10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

It might sound corny but there’s not   much I don’t like! I really enjoy my job and the challenges it brings – but there are days when a crystal ball to see into the future would be helpful.

11. What one law would you make or change?

 I’d get rid of parking charges. When you go abroad there’s so many free spaces – it makes you more inclined to go out and visit new places.

12. What keeps you awake at night? 

I’m a Liverpool football fan. Need I say more?

13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

I’d love to have dinner with President Obama and see what makes him tick. Ideally, my wife and Michelle Obama could come along too.