Highly Commended: CD Auction Group Pool Fleet Management
Highly Commended for the past two years, Chevin’s Fleetwave was upgraded to version 2.2 in 2014 and the improvements have proven enough to get it over the line into the winning spot. The new version adds a number of features, including the ability to highlight vehicles that are under and over their budget for a quarter, month or year.
Chevin has added an online help centre known as Chevin Academy, which is a resource of videos and tutorials of commonly asked questions, and it will also be bringing a community forum later this year, arriving with a feedback system to help create future enhancements.
The technology firm also has a Smart Vehicle Replacement Tool, which it claims can pinpoint costly or inefficient vehicles through a number of operational measurements.
CD Auction Group’s Pool Fleet Management platform earned a Highly Commended. It is designed to reduce pool fleet admin and ensure vehicles have reduced downtime and are fit for purpose. The portal matches vehicles with driver grades and locations, and can integrate with operators’ own systems.