In the recent Budget, the Chancellor made £200 million of funding available to fix potholes.

It’s undoubtedly good news because some of our roads are in desperate need of a fix and damaged roads can mean damaged vehicles.

My reservation is that while £200 million is a substantial amount, it remains to be seen as to whether it is enough to make the difference needed.

It’s not uncommon that road damage gets fixed, only to reappear because the underlying repair need has not been met.     

We need enough investment to properly resurface stretches of road rather than simply papering over the cracks, which unfortunately seems to be the current approach. There is a higher volume of traffic in the UK than ever before and it takes its toll.  

Drivers pay a high price through road tax, fuel duty and in some locations road charging. Company car drivers are also subject to Benefit in Kind.

The least they deserve is for this money to be invested wisely into the road infrastructure to ensure that it meets their needs.

Potholes pose a safety risk to all road users and can do significant damage to a vehicle that hits them at speed.

From punctures to suspension damage, surely it’s a hazard that drivers shouldn’t have to put up with and one where long term, sustained investment is required.