1. What was your first job?

Taking a big lawnmower for a long walk around a park for the local parks department. Got into trouble for doing within a day what the regular ‘old boy’ took all week to do, so I don’t think I was very popular. 


2. What was your first company car?

A well-used 1968 Hillman Imp in a fetching shade of powder blue with significant white doors and a little illuminated sign on the roof. Screenwasher by virtue of a rubber bulb on the floor, and the cheap plastic wing mirrors (before door mirrors) were an aftermarket fit. No radio, limited heating, fixed seatbelts and egg-timer acceleration.


3. What did you listen to on your last car journey?

Today it was Radio 4.


4. What one thing do you wish you could do better?

Perhaps to be better able to inspire others to believe what is possible in a world of doubt and suspicion.


 5. What’s your biggest achievement?

I think it is to be where I am now in life with Cardinus  – it is not a single one-off achievement, more a continuous journey of evolution along the way.


6. Who are your role models?

Professor Brian Cox for his incredible ability to make complexity seem so simple with a few well-chosen words. And Stephen Hawking for the power of the human being to overcome adversity.


7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

Admitting to somebody all about the stupidest thing I have done. Why tell someone how stupid you can be too?! That doubles the effect.


8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

What is the best way to inspire people to understand just how many collisions could be prevented with planning and a good safety culture.


9. What’s in your garage?

A tired but effective petrol lawnmower (no, not that one!) a couple of cycles, and a lot of DIY stuff from restoring our bungalow.


10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

The thought of retirement. Not that I don’t want the freedom to spend time on what I want to do, but when you’re having fun and satisfaction at work, why should I stop enjoying myself?


11. What one law would you make or change?

For all drivers to undertake the standard of training needed to learn to drive – not simply to pass a test. Many people hold a driving licence, but there are not many drivers.


12. What keeps you awake at night?

Fortunately, not a lot.


13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

It has to be Kate Silverton, the newsreader.


Name: John Davidge
Company: Cardinus Risk Management
Job title: Head of fleet technical
Home town: Chatham, Kent
Family: Lovely wife, Jo, a couple of (almost!) grown-up sons and a Working Cocker Spaniel ‘Jasper’
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer: Provides essential automotive data, with a fantastic reputation for delivery and integrity.