1. What was your first job?

Assistant stage manager at the Tram Shed Theatre. I wanted to be in show business. (What else would you expect with my name?)


2. What was your first company car?

I joined a Ford dealership at 18 and was given a 13-year-old Volvo 122s. They were taking no chances – this was an old car built like a tank. But to me, she was a classic.


3. What did you listen to on your last car journey?

Dusty Springfield’s Dusty in Memphis.


4. What one thing do you wish you could do better?

Dress expensively. (I have three kids who dress a lot better than me!)


5. What’s your biggest achievement?

Marrying my beautiful wife, Melissa.


6. Who are your role models?

I don’t aspire to be like anyone else, although my friends and family are a great source of inspiration and guidance. Working for the Marshall family for 21 years has had a major effect on my career, and I would say that Sir Michael Marshall is someone for whom I have the highest regard.


7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

Selling my apartment in Belgravia, London, in 2009 because I thought the market had peaked.


8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

Brown sauce or mustard in your bacon butty. But then, on a more serious note, a query relating to the Mayor of London’s electric vehicle dream: how do you charge electric cars at home when you live in a flat or house on a typical London street?


9. What’s in your garage?

Junk mostly. The vintage car collection is parked on my office shelf.

10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

Not owning the company!


11. What one law would you make or change?

I would reclaim the Dartford Crossing in the name of the people and kill the toll charge, while banning all men over the age of 16 from wearing t-shirts.


12. What keeps you awake at night?

Where to start, think Woody Allen.


13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

It’s a tough choice between Monty Don, Lana Del Ray and Angelina Jolie. I suspect all three would stand me up! My wife and I share a love of horticulture; Monty is such an eloquent and passionate gardener. Lana is an incredible and refreshing new talent both as a musician and as a video editor. And Angelina because she seems to be one of those extraordinary examples of a powerful, uniquely independent woman who is able to be alluring, combative and compassionate all at the same time (and besides, she’s been on my case for years).

Name: Jonathan Ross
Company: Marshall Leasing
Job title: Sales and marketing director
Home town: Hawkhurst, Kent
Family: Wife and three children under eight
Age: 102
Sum up your company in 13 words or fewer: Great company, great staff, great customers.