The big thing for business mobility, especially with long-term planning of business car fleets, is having as much information as possible about what’s going to happen in the future.

That’s why ACFO has spent so long campaigning to HMRC about the need for long-term transparency on benefit-in-kind taxation, which we fortunately now have for at least three years ahead. Vehicles are a long-term commitment, especially with recent moves out to four-year contracts, and organisations and drivers need to know what they are signing up for.

In the same vein, the UK’s second city setting out its long-term plans for managing its transport infrastructure (see story below) gives those affected the chance to do some long-term planning of their own. Be it embracing new technologies, car clubs or other solutions, they can at least look at the direction Birmingham wants to move in and apply that to their circumstances.

That doesn’t mean it will all be good news, and there will probably be extra costs to meet, but it’s fair to assume that with increasing congestion and air quality problems, things are going to change, and fair warning is a prerequisite for those people and businesses affected.

. Don’t forget to have your say in the 2014 BusinessCar Awards. The voting closes at lunchtime on Monday 2 December, so head over to to select the products, companies and services best serving your business. These are the only awards decided by the people operating in the industry itself, rather than by a panel of judges, so they are a reflection of the companies best serving the business car market.