Audi is trialling a wireless parking project, which could remove the need for parking tickets and spare change.
The pilot, which is running in the carmaker’s home town of Ingolstadt in Germany, has around 13,000 drivers participating, and creates a wireless link between cars and car parks, enabling barriers to be raised and charges to be paid automatically.
Audi said the long-term aim is to make wireless payment another feature of its Audi connect system, which already offers internet-based services such as Google Earth, local fuel pricing and weather information to Audi models.
The wireless transporter needed for the technology is mounted on the inside of the windscreen, and Audi employees testing the scheme receive a monthly bill for any parking charges.
The news follows Audi’s announcement earlier this year that it is trialling piloted parking, which again uses a wireless connection between the car and the car park, but to enable the car to find the nearest parking space and guide itself autonomously to that space and park.